Talent Management and Competitive Advantage among Apparel Retailers in Malaysia: Accelerating the Business Experience
Today, many top CEOs believe that if firms want to be successful, they need to put talent as a key agenda in organizations. Firms need to redefine their leadership and articulate their leadership model. With the development of the fourth industrial revolution, the talent needs are forecasted to be intensified. The transformation of the industrial revolution takes place in various industries, including apparel retailing. During the midst of this, e-commerce and digital channels are viewed as new options for business strategies. Meanwhile, some studies argue that talent management in large firms is not replicable among small and medium firms as they operate in different sets of financial capabilities and systems. This research aims to understand the relationship between talent management and digital-related competitive advantage of apparel retailers and examine whether years of business experience moderate this relationship. This study used the quantitative research method with the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. The results indicated that talent management and competitive advantage have a significant relationship, with the years of business experiences moderating these two variables. The analysis may provide some insights for firms to accelerate their business experiences in capturing greater competitiveness.
Keywords: talent management, digital retailing, competitive advantage, years of business experience.
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