Digital Strategic Communication Management in Developing Curriculum of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Today, digital communication in higher education, including in Universitas Pendidikan, Indonesia, has a dual importance. First, it is a university instrument where educational activities are carried out in a digital manner. Secondly, it is perceived as having a strategic management function in directing as well as managing the organization of the university, helping it run more efficiently. However, in some cases, the communication system when seen as a strategic management element within Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) has not yet been properly implemented. This is especially true when it comes to the role of communication management in supporting curriculum development. This study is based on the background of ineffective internal communication in UPI. One of the strategies needed to accomplish this relates to the digital communication strategy of management policy in the university setting. The purpose of this research is to reconstruct and improve the digital communication strategies in higher education. This study utilizes descriptive methods of research, where information is collected without changing the environment/setting of the study. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, and the study of available documentation. The respondents are members of the management in university level, faculty level, and department level. This research focuses on developing a digital communication strategy for implementing and optimizing institutional communication from a curriculum development perspective. It deals with the role of digital communication function in planning, developing, and evaluating academic programs implemented by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) to become a leading and outstanding university in ASEAN by 2020. The main research outcomes are validated digital communication strategies and management policies of UPI able to implement UPI curriculum in achieving the status of a leading and outstanding university in education.
Keywords: digital strategic communication, communication management, curriculum development.
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