Responses such as Flushing, Flowering, Pod Reserving, and Yield of TSH 858 Clone Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) to an Increase in Dose of Balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg 12.9:11.4:16.8:10.6:4.8 Fertilizing
Response of cacao plants to fertilizer is influenced by plant condition and homogeneity, which requires an optimal dose to obtain the best vegetation and yield. Cacao plants will experience deficiency if they receive a below-optimal fertilizer dose, and they will experience toxicity when they receive an above-optimal fertilizer dose. This study aimed to determine the best dose of balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilization for productive and non-productive yield of TSH 858 clone cocoa and a more suitable dose for flush (young shoot and leaves), cherelle (young fruit), and fruit development to increase cacao yield. This research consisted of two parallel experiments on productive and non-productive plants in the same area. It used randomized non-factorial design, with treatments consisting of four levels of dose N.P.K.Ca.Mg 12.9 : 11.4 : 16.8 : 10.6 : 4.8 stages, namely: 896; 1,120; 1,344; and 1,568 (g tree-1). Observations were made for 24 weeks on the parameters such as the number of flushes, flowers, cherelles, fruit stock, water shoot, size of flushing leaves, fruit volume, fruit and seed weight. Dose of fertilizer insignificantly affected all observation parameters; a dose of 1,344 g tree-1 produced the best yield with 39.7 cherelles and 25.0 fruits stock. Higher dose of 1,568 g tree-1 tended to reduce the number of flushes, flowers, cherelles, fruit stock, fruit volume, fruit weight, and seed weight. Productive plants had a better response to fertilization than non-productive plants; therefore, individual productive plants need preliminary inventory before intensive fertilization. The research recommends a maximum dose of fertilizer at 1,344 g tree-1.
Keywords: balanced fertilizer, dose, productive cacao.
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