Communicative Development in Early Childhood Education: Epistemological Trends in Colombia

Erika Patricia Pastrana Acosta, Leonardo Antonio Díaz Pertuz, Helmer Muñoz Hernandez


This study determines the trends and perspectives regarding the development of communication skills in Colombian early education. For this purpose, a documentary review was established in different databases and digital repositories based on the following theoretical bases: principles of early education, pedagogical practices associated with communicative skills, and cognitive development for learning in preschool. The literature review process includes a first stage focused on qualitative data collection and analysis. Through an exhaustive review of various databases and digital repositories, the theoretical foundations and basic principles of early education and pedagogical practices related to communication skills and cognitive development for learning at preschool level will be explored. In this step, the search and selection of articles according to the research topic begin, focusing on the criteria of originality, sufficiency, and quality. As a result of this process, a cultural identity emerges that allows children to see themselves as autonomous individuals who are simultaneously part of a family and a wider culture.
Finally, national and international trends in early education indicate that social interactions experienced by children contribute significantly to the construction of their communicative and linguistic knowledge, allowing them to reinterpret the surrounding reality. This, in turn, facilitates the formulation of pedagogical approaches that are much more in tune with the nature of being a child, considering their interests, curiosity, learning rhythms, and educational needs. Consequently, the educational processes based on this sociocultural perspective reveal a solid and coherent identity.


Keywords: Identity, early education, communicative skills, Epistemological trends, communicative development, pedagogical practice.

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