Inconsistency in Implementing General Government Affairs in Bekasi City (Implementing the Program of National Vigilance and Facilitation of Social Conflict Resolution 2015-2022)

Vandyarman Mulya Priyanda, Sinta Ningrum, Rd. Ahmad Buchari, Nandang Alamsyah Deliarnoor


One of the challenges in managing central and regional government relations in Indonesia is maintaining the unity of the state goals within the framework of a unitary state. General government affairs are a form of policy implemented by the government of the Republic of Indonesia to address this challenge. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the policy of general government affairs in local government through an analysis of implementing the Program of National Vigilance and Facilitation of Social Conflict Resolution by the Municipal Government of Bekasi. This study employed a qualitative approach with an investigative design and included, as the primary data, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders. Then, a review of government literature and documents relevant to the theme of this research provided the secondary data. The study results showed that implementing general government affairs in Bekasi City was not going well. The disharmony in policy formulation and inconsistency in policy implementation, both from the content dimension and the context of policy implementation, caused the affairs that were not running well in Bekasi City. Future research can use the findings of this study as an initial assumption to see the implementation of general government affairs in all local governments in Indonesia.


Keywords: policy, implementation, general government affairs.

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