Reconstruction of Indonesia’s Border Areas through Innovation

Ray Septianis Kartika, Hadi Supratikta, Hotnier Sipahutar, Slamet Rahmat Topo Susilo, Siti Aminah, Irham Iskandar, Tini Apriani, Marsono, Septina Marryanti Prihatin, Rosidah, Maria Christina Yuli Pratiwi


Morotai is a region of Indonesia that has experienced significant development progress in infrastructure. The development is undoubtedly the case with lighting at the point of the territory; road access is a portrait of the progress of Morotai Island Regency, considered a potential area for processing and preserving nature. The problem is that innovation in the sector has not been maximized. Existing innovations are still limited to building areas in terms of infrastructure, structuring public services, preparing human resources, creating communication media, and collaboration. This research aims to create an exit strategy for border area development through innovation through a border area development model using existing natural resources. The novelty of this paper is that using the dynamic location quotient method can map the potential of Morotai's natural resources as opportunities for innovation. The research used this method with respondents from Balitbangda state civil apparatus and ten focus group discussion participants. The findings are as follows. (1) Morotai still has not maximized the results of research on innovation; (2) the results of fisheries, agriculture, and forestry cultivation could not highlight the characteristics of the region. The results of research on the stages of regional development need analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up. The emphasis is on tourism development, seafood cultivation, regional potential development, shrimp cultivation, and the creation of electricity systems.


Keywords: building, innovation, region, dynamic location quotient.

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