Global Trends in Board Capital: A Bibliometric Analysis
This study aims to identify and highlight the research development on board capital and develop a quantitative synopsis of critical themes, contributions, and knowledge gaps to guide future researchers. A search string was created to extract data from the Scopus database and fulfill the study objective. The final dataset consisted of 148 articles after the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study employed a bibliometric analysis technique to analyze the global development of board capital literature based on the study objectives. Moreover, the study used Microsoft Excel for the frequency analysis, VOSviewer to present the data visualization, and Harzing's Publish or Perish to analyze the citation metrics. The findings revealed the most active country and institution publishing research on board capital in the United States of America (USA) and the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. The emerging and recent research themes on board capital were foreign experience, China, non-independent directors, directorship, and accounting expertise. The study contributes by providing a bibliometric analysis of board capital research streams and identifying emerging research themes for future research. Future research should broaden the database sources and the document types.
Keywords: board capital, bibliometric analysis, corporate governance, human capital, social capital.
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