Water Balance and Potency of the Duriangkang-Muka Kuning Reservoirs for Supporting the Raw Water Supply in Batam City, Indonesia
The Duriangkang and Muka Kuning reservoirs play an important role in supplying clean water to Batam City. The Duriangkang reservoir was built from 1992 until 1995 as the first estuary dam in Indonesia and the largest reservoir in Batam city. These two reservoirs are the cascade reservoirs. The dam with an effective storage capacity of 107 million m3 works to fulfill the water needs with a capacity of 2,500 l/s. However, the Muka Kuning reservoir was finished in 1990, but it was newly turned in 1992. At the beginning, the Muka Kuning WTP had a water production capacity of 310 l/s, but the capacity was increased to 600 l/s in 2015 along with the increasing water need in Batam. This research intends to analyze the water balance in the Duriangkang-Muka Kuning cascade reservoirs and to investigate the potency of the Duriangkang reservoir that can support the water availability in the Muka Kuning. The methodology uses water balance simulation in the Duriangkang-Muka Kuning reservoir to analyze the potency of the Duriangkang reservoir that can be used to support the water availability in the Muka Kuning reservoir. The catchment area of the Duriangkang reservoir now consists of residences, society plantations, forestry areas, empty land, and industry, which can decrease the amount of water availability to be stored every year. The results of the water balance analysis indicate that the water availability of the Duriangkang reservoir is in surplus conditions throughout the year in the wet, normal, and dry year conditions. Therefore, the Duriangkang reservoir has the potency to support the water availability in the Muka Kuning reservoir.
Keywords: water balance, water potency, Duriangkang, Muka Kuning.
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