Prioritizing Strategies Affecting Night Economic Activities in Urban Spaces Using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Case Study: Street Rudaki, District 10 of Tehran
The research aims to improve urban nightlife by emphasizing the economic criteria and giving quality to urban spaces at night. Given the importance of the social factors, cognitive and attention to the people and their activities on the environment and its impact on the utility of the night space, trying to analyze the fundamentals related to the urban environment and determining priorities of effective strategies in functions of night spaces and achieve solutions for creating successful urban spaces. Research methodology is descriptive-analytical using the SAW strategy in the form of weighted indicators, and the best strategy is prioritized. The finding shows Rudaki Avenue as one of the congested districts that entertain many people in Tehran. Furthermore, the results indicate that the development of a safe night city is the highest rated in the strategy and policy on creating active axes and mixed implementation allocating six strategies affecting the function of the night spaces.
Keywords: urban space, night economy, strategy, simple additive weighting.
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