The Impact of Adopting Innovative Technologies in Telecommunications Companies on Constructive and Destructive Behaviors of Leaders
The study aims to identify the impact of adopting innovative technologies in telecommunications companies on constructive and destructive behaviors of leaders. A quantitative questionnaire survey was adopted, and the data was collected from 380 employees of the three major telecommunications companies in Jordan (Orang, Zain, and Umniah). The results revealed a positive impact of adopting innovative technologies on constructive leadership behaviors. Furthermore, adopting innovative technologies has no impact on destructive leadership behaviors. Our research mainly contributes positively and significantly to highlighting the importance of shifting focus in organizations that rely on innovative technology from the detrimental impact of a disruptive leader on company sustainability and service improvement. This study contributes to the literature on innovation and modern technology in general and the literature on leadership behaviors and constructive and destructive leadership in particular. First, to the authors' knowledge, this study is the first to examine the impact of innovative technology on leaders' behaviors. Second, although the broader leadership and technology literature has provided some new insights into the direct impact of the interaction between leader behaviors and technology adoption, the results have often been inconclusive.
Keywords: innovative technologies, constructive leaders, destructive leaders, telecommunications companies.
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