Politics and Religion (Study of the Effect made by Ustadz Abdul Somad on the 2019 Presidential Election in Riau Province)

M. Ashsubli, Muradi, D.S. Kartini, C. Paskarina


For the people of Riau, religious figures such as Ustadz Abdul Somad are some of the most influential figures. That is evidenced by the Riau Traditional Malay Institute (LAM) award: Datuk Seri Ulama Setia Negara, one of the highest titles for Riau traditional leaders of civil society. Even though Ustadz Abdul Somad did not come from a political background or a large Islamic social organization, he influenced the 2019 presidential election. It is evident from the LSI survey that Denny JA placed himself as the religious figure whose appeals were heard the most. This research uses the qualitative method with inductive thinking. In-depth interviews provided data collection, and data analysis was based on the subjective researchers' interpretation. The theory of religiosity by Glock and Stark is very relevant to be used as an analytical tool. That is also assisted by Hew Wai Weng's concept, which explores how the influence of UAS is built through visual aesthetics in social media. This study aims to provide an alternative solution regarding the importance of political evaluation and the combination of models of the influence of religious leaders as an effort to assess and measure the effectiveness of a political strategy in winning the presidential election contestation.


Keywords: influence, Ustadz Abdul Somad, 2019 presidential election.


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