Improvement of Multi-Purpose Reservoirs Operation: A Case Study in Tra Khuc River Basin, Vietnam
The Tra Khuc river basin is the largest of basins in Central Vietnam. Every dry season, conflicts among water users often arise. This study aims to contribute to reducing these conflicts by improving the reservoir operation procedure. Currently, these reservoirs are operated according to the guidelines of the inter-reservoir procedures issued by the prime minister. However, because of the complexity of the reservoir system and the arising inadequacies, this procedure must be adapted to address the actual situation. In this study, the flood-limited water level (FLWL) of reservoirs specified in the procedure will be re-evaluated. Simulations of reservoirs operation scenarios were performed to assess the impact of the different FLWL on hydropower generation, water supply, and flood control in this river basin. The results show that the maximum FLWL specified in the procedure should be maintained at 125m instead of 121m for the Nuoc Trong reservoir. In contrast, other reservoirs are recommended to remain unchanged. In this case, the Nuoc Trong reservoir will serve its function of submitting water for the dry season next year well without increasing flood control risk, contributing to more effective management of this region. This result will be the scientific basis to recommend the Prime Minister to adjust the inter-reservoir procedure.
Keywords: reservoir operation, flood control, flood limited water level.
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