The Essential Role of Master Craftworkers in Preserving Local Content in the Malaysian Cottage Industry in Malaysia

Norhayati Hussin, Nurul Syfa’ Mohd Tokiran, Masitah Ahmad, Mohd Sazili Shahibi


This research paper investigates the essential role that master craftworkers play in preserving local content within the Malaysian Cottage Industry in Malaysia. The master craftworkers have knowledge of local content that includes traditions which are based on ideas that were inspired by their surroundings. The beauty and creativeness, as well as uniqueness, of the craft always attracts many local people and foreign tourists who appreciate this kind of art. Thus, the availability of master craftworkers in Malaysia should be assessed to explore the value that master craftworkers can bring to the Malaysian cottage industry. The qualitative research approach was used in this study to gather data on the master craftworkers that could be employed by the cottage industry on the East Coast of Malaysia. Based on the findings, there are nine master craftworkers (Adiguru) in Kelantan, six master craftworkers (Adiguru) in Terengganu and Pahang, as well as an additional five master craftworkers (Adiguru) recognized by the Malaysia Government Agency. Semi-structured interview sessions were also conducted with the Guru of Weaving to explore her experience and role as a master craftworker in weaving. This research has identified three main roles of the master craftworkers: as a resource, as an instructor, and as someone responsible for preserving their handicraft products and knowledge. The goal of this research is to explore and outline the significance that the role of master craftworkers play in preserving the local content they possess. The novelty of this research was discovered when new generations of Malaysians highlighted the role of master craftworkers as an important resource in the Malaysian community. Possible collaborations between government agencies as well as other bodies should be established to take advantage of the knowledge that master craftworkers can share with new generations while also preserving the local content that is slowly vanishing in Malaysia.


Keywords: information science, cultural heritage, local content, sustainability, cottage industry, handicraft.

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