Land Identification for Establishing Conservation Areas in Sloping Land Contexts Using a Geographic Information System: A Case Study of Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
The critical factor that should be considered for land utilization on sloping lands is the slope parameter. The misuse of lands leads to land degradation and damage to the natural environment. The study area of Gunung Mas Regency is mostly dominated by upland typology with various slope classes. Thus, the high precipitation that occurs in this tropical region will lead to soil erosion if proper land use and conservation management are not implemented. Thus, this study was conducted to provide basic information on potential land resources that should be allocated for conservation purposes. The results can be used as a basic consideration for the land use planning process. A geographic information system (GIS) was applied to analyze the results of the erosion prediction model that was interpreted within the spatial environment. The result of evaluation using soil erosion prediction from the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) showed that there are five classes (class I to V) of soil erosion risk in Gunung Mas Regency. More than half of this region is classified into class V. This implies that these areas have the highest potential for soil erosion risk, with assumed soil loss > 480 tons/hectare/year. Spatially, the distribution pattern of this class is that broad areas occur in the middle part and spread to the north, with a total area of 566,835 hectares (52.46%). These areas can then be allocated and established as conservation areas. The critical factors that can generate soil erosion include sloping lands and high rainfall. The dominant landform in these areas is steep to very steep slopes, with slope classes of 26%–40% and 41%–60%, respectively.
Keywords: sloping lands, land use, conservation, geographic information system.
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