Transnational Families in Letterkenny, Co Donegal, Ireland: Negotiating Religious Beliefs and Practices
This paper provides one of the first inquiries into how Arab-Muslim transnational families negotiate their religious beliefs and practices and whether they create the Third Space in Letterkenny County Donegal, Ireland. This study addresses the religious and educational experiences and perspectives of culturally diverse children and their families, with the premise that such findings will help teachers be more culturally responsive and competent in teaching these children. Almost no research on identity and culture regarding the educational experiences of Muslim-Arab transnational students and their families has been done in Ireland. There are no studies on how Arab-Muslim immigrant families negotiate their bilingual and bicultural identities and create the so-called Third Space. This research is motivated by the idea that new approaches toward migration, family, and social policy are likely to emerge when the experiences of emigration and immigration are put into dialogue.
Keywords: Arab-Muslim transnational families, third space, identity, cultural experiences.
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