Reconstruction of Educational Institutions in Business Development of Indonesian Human Resources through Cooperation among ASEAN Countries
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia due to many factors lies mainly in the quality of human resources (HR) due to the output of educational institutions that are generated not reaching what is desired, therefore the need for reconstruction of educational institutions that are useful to reform the system or standards related to all forms of planning, organization, control, implementation and evaluation of activities to be undertaken by educational institutions so that sustainable development of HR to be professional, noble character and have high competitiveness under the vision, mission and objectives desirable well through the procedures has been established. Reconstruction of educational institutions is expected to achieve sustainable HR development (SDM). This article will discuss how to deal with the problem and seek solutions in reconstructing educational institutions in Indonesia sustainable HR development efforts through cooperation among school residents ranging from educators, education personnel, students, family, and community and getting support from countries and foreign, especially from ASEAN countries.
Keywords: reconstruction, educational institution, human resources.
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