The Perception of Individuals’ Privacy Concerning the Adoption of Smart City Healthcare Services: A Generic Model Development
With the continuous efforts to implement several smart cities, several challenges face these initiatives at the global level, the most prominent of which is data privacy. There is a lack of research on the factors that affect the perception of individuals' privacy, such as the risk of privacy, data sensitivity, privacy Awareness. In addition, it is not clear what those factors are, and they could swing people's intention to adopt smart services. Concerns about data privacy are categorized based on data activities to unauthorized retrieval, unauthorized use, unauthorized access, unauthorized sharing, insecure storage, and insecure transmission. Each of these issues might lead to a personal data breach and expose the data to be compromised, especially in the case of healthcare data. Therefore, this study aims to identify factors that affect the adoption of smart city healthcare services and subsequently propose a generic adoption model to focus on data and information privacy in this model, especially in health care. This model is developed based on two ways to extract the factors. First: the theories used are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and Privacy calculus theory (PCT). Secondly: extract some factors from the literature review and studies related to this research. The model is expected will help to obtain the acceptance, adoption of smart city services and the extent of their impact on data and information privacy from the perspective of individuals and fill gaps. It also can be used in countries similar to Oman, such as in the Arabian Gulf countries.
Keywords: smart city, healthcare services, privacy, privacy concern, technology acceptance model.
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