Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Job Satisfaction in the Context of Public Sector Organization
The present research aimed to establish the impact of work motivation on job satisfaction. A Self-developed questionnaire comprising a few measures was utilized to accumulate information from specialized and support workers who work in various segments of CEB. The study sample size is 285. The study used a simple random technique. The accumulated information was used to assess the model utilizing the PLS-SEM. The outcomes illustrated that the vital attribute of work motivation are motivation practices, leadership styles of managers, reward management, job expectations, and working environment. The study originated that all variables had a positive effect on job satisfaction. Among the factors, job expectations of employees and leadership style had an important influence, and the reward management had trifling job satisfaction. Besides, the paper offers thoughts for managers by pinpointing the critical factors influencing that encourage employees in CEB. This research has demonstrated how important it is to recognize associations between work motivation and job satisfaction in public sector organizations, particularly those owned by the government and operating as monopolistic electricity providers (CEB) in Sri Lanka. However, even though other disciplines have researched the interrelationships between motivation and job satisfaction, no empirical studies have been mentioned in past CEB-related research.
Keywords: job satisfaction, rewards, motivation, public sector.
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