Autonomous Learning: Indonesian University Learners’ Perception
Learner autonomy is the learners’ ability to take responsibility for their learning. This ability is highly needed to face the challenges of 21st-century learning. The present study aimed to investigate the ability of Indonesian university English Foreign Language (EFL) learners for autonomous language learning. This study employed quantitative research with the survey method. Forty university EFL students from several provinces in Indonesia participated in this study. Quantitative data were collected through an online questionnaire and analyzed descriptively by using the SPSS program. The findings revealed that Indonesian university EFL learners could learn autonomously. In the learning process, they could identify their potential and weakness in learning English. Besides, they argued they could learn English well, finish their tasks on time, and make good use of their free time in English study. The result implies that Indonesian university EFL learners could control their learning. In other words, they could make decisions about what they will do without being influenced by others. In addition, the findings of this study add practical information for researchers and language teachers concerning the importance of developing autonomous learning at the tertiary level, particularly in the Indonesian EFL context.
Keywords: English Foreign Language, learner autonomy, autonomous learner, undergraduate, graduate students.
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