Model of Electricity Consumption and Conservation: The Determinants from Household Perspective
Pakistan is an energy-deficient country. Since 2000, residential sector electricity consumption has continuously increased, indicating households as a central and influential research target. This study develops the concept of electricity consumption and conservation in a household context based on the literature. This paper aims to assess and review the household's cognitive, personal, and external factors directly, indirectly, or interactively minimizing electricity consumption and maximizing its conservation, addressing the multifaceted challenge of energy-wasting and saving consumer's behavior, massive variation in scale, and energy usage pattern. Further, the study offers a research model that describes the role played by the socio-demographic, psychological factors, and efficacy behavior for electricity consumption and conservation. 150 electricity consumers tested this model. The theoretical and empirical debate reveals three broad variables (socio-demographic, psychological, and efficiency behavior) that contribute to consumers' consumption and conservation activities. Furthermore, massive, cost-effective, and generalizable solutions regarding energy-efficient technology and low emission electricity sources are required. Long-term behavioral change is the crux of curtailing electricity consumption and rising conservation.
Keywords: electricity consumption, electricity conservation, electricity efficiency, household behavior.
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