Life Skill Education in Waste Management: Enhancement of Empowerment-Based Skills for Densely Populated Residential Communities
Waste is a problem that is still quite difficult to overcome, especially in a country with a large population, including Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the solution to the waste problem through life skills education by increasing empowerment-based skills in densely populated settlements that are usually the largest source of waste producers. This research was conducted in Cibunut, Bandung City, West Java Province, Indonesia using an exploration method and analyzed with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with several criteria. Namely, the sample is the participant of the activity, the sample of the program implementer, and the sample represents the actual population. The novelty of this research is to develop theoretical concepts of effective decision-making life skills, namely 1) critical thinking, 2) creative thinking, 3) problem solving, 4) decision making, and three aspects of empowerment, namely institutional aspects, economic aspects, and socio-cultural aspects. The results showed that the Cibunut settlement community had succeeded in turning their settlements into a waste-free area. In addition, they can turn waste into something valuable and handicrafts that can be sold. The bottom-up approach is an effective solution in the implementation of empowerment-based life skills education. The entire community's involvement in the entire life skills education process is the key to sustainable empowerment.
Keywords: waste, life skills education, empowerment.
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