Life Must Go On: Serving People without Ulterior Motives as Responses to Mount Sinabung Eruption

Norita Novalina Sembiring, Sarmauli, Yosep Kambu, Haposan Silalahi, Agnes Beatrix Jackline Raintung


Disasters have become part of the realities of life on this earth. Global disasters such as nuclear war, pandemics, earthquakes, and mount eruptions threaten the sustainability of human civilization. The purpose of this research is to provide services to victims of the eruption of Mount Sinabung, that life must go on. The eruption of Mount Sinabung, which has reached its eleventh year, is a fact of the severity of the struggles experienced by the people of Karo Land, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Natural disasters have an impact not only physically but also psychologically. The disaster victims must be accompanied by mental, spiritual, and spirit because life must go on. This condition needs to get responses from many stakeholders, one of which is the church. The church as a community of believers cannot be separated from the social life that surrounds it. The church exists in a public space filled with various struggles. For this task, the church is challenged to carry out its mission without ulterior motives because it is solely driven by compassion rooted in God's love for humankind. The novelty of this research is on the technique of motivating that God loves his people.


Keywords: church, diakonia, disaster, ulterior motives, public space.

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