A Comparative Study between Phosphor-Converted LED and Color-Mixed LED for Horticultural Applications Based on Power Quality and Lighting Quality
This study aims to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the power quality and light quality of horticultural light produced from the phosphor-converted LED (pcH-LED) compared to the color-mixed LED. The research goal is to elucidate the light characteristics of pcH-LEDs and promote them in indoor cultivation. The light quality and power quality were measured by a spectroradiometer and power analyzer, respectively. The results showed that the pcH-LED exhibited the highest percentage of far-red light and produced the highest PPFD, YPFD, and Peff, with the lowest amount of power consumed. The disadvantage of pcH-LED is that it generated the lowest power factor and showed the current waveform distortion. In conclusion, the pcH-LEDs are appropriate for indoor horticultural applications. They could emit a comprehensive range of light that plants need, from visible (400-700 nm) to far-red (701-780 nm). However, the addition of the power factor correction is required to improve the low power factor problem.
Keywords: phosphor-converted LEDs, color-mixed LED, horticultural application, power quality.
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