Inclusion School for Early Childhood in the Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor classroom learning for children with special needs in inclusive schools is very important because one of the characteristics of children with special needs is often needed. This study aims to provide learning about the outdoor classroom in one of the inclusive schools, FUN & Play Inclusion School, Semarang. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected using observation and interviews. Observations were made during the learning process, and interviews were conducted with teachers and principals of FUN & Play Inclusion School, Semarang. Data were analyzed through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, data conclusions, and data validation using triangulation. The results showed that the application of outdoor classroom learning in FUN & Play Inclusion School, Semarang had learning media, learning models, and learning made according to the characteristics of children. Learning media uses materials that come from nature and are around the environment. The learning model uses the concept of FUN & PLAY following the characteristics of children who love to play. The assessment is carried out every day, consisting of two aspects.
Keywords: children with special needs, inclusive education, outdoor classroom.
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