Evaluation of Rice Farmers' Climate Field School with “Context, Input, Process, and Product” Model
The field school pattern ensures that farmers' learning opportunities to interact with their realities directly are widely open. Also, the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) is an evaluation analysis model developed by Stufflebeam and colleagues at Ohio State University. Therefore, this research aims to describe and analyze the Climate Field School program using the context, input, process, and product components. The basic method used was descriptive analysis, while the samples used as respondents were 20 members of the farmer group. The results showed that overall components of the CFS program implemented at the Tunas Muda Farmer Group were described following the adult learning approach model. In conclusion, due to the implementation's status, the capacity building of rice farmers through climate field schools is categorized as quite good.
Keywords: field school, CIPP, farmer, evaluation.
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