Integrated Estuary Ecosystem Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Development in Gunung Anyar Estuary Area, East Java, Indonesia
Estuaries are the main coastal ecosystems that provide food and environmental benefits for human beings. They play a critical role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by providing pollution filtration and habitats for nesting, breeding, and feeding many species. However, estuaries in developing countries face severe threats from economic development and human activities. Water pollution, declining mangrove forests, limited carbon sequestration, and stock, reduced mudskippers, and increased plastic discharge. All these factors reduce the capacity of estuaries areas to support human wellbeing sustainably. This research conducts an integrated assessment of various environmental variables that influence the existence of estuaries in Surabaya. The researchers used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression as the basis for policy formulation. The results indicate the need to optimize the use of estuaries for mangrove forest park areas. It is necessary to conduct an integrated ecological assessment involving many ecological variables. For this reason, research related to ecological variables becomes a reference for formulating an integrated estuary management policy. Therefore, the scientific novelty is to find out the conservation estuary based on integrated ecological assessment.
Keywords: integrated assessment, water pollution, carbon, mangroves, gastropods, micro-plastics.
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