Al-Maun Trilogy as a Building Character and Communication Climate Muhammadiyah Student Association in Indonesia
The Muhammadiyah Student Association (MSA/IMM) character building in organizational dynamics is trilogy Al-Maun, namely religiosity, intellect, and humanity. This study aims to analyze the influence of religiosity, intellectuality, and humanity on the communication climate of IMM organizations in the Sidoarjo Regency. The theory used in this research is the theory of character building from Ausop and organizational communication climate from Pace & Don. The hypothesis of this research states that by building the character of IMM member students, the organizational communication climate can be very conducive. This research was designed using explanative quantitative as the main approach and descriptive qualitative as its support. The sample of this study was 112 respondents whose determination technique used simple random sampling. The determination of the informants was done through the purposive sampling technique. Data collection was determined through questionnaire distribution and in-depth interviews with selected informants. This study indicates that character building based on religiosity, intellect, and humanity can improve the quality of organizational communication of the Muhammadiyah Student Association. The implication is that character building for each cadre of the Muhammadiyah Student Association needs to be based on the principles of religiosity, intellect, and humanity. Through the Al-Maun trilogy, each cadre can create and develop situations and conditions for quality organizational communication.
Keywords: religiosity, intellectuality, humanity, IMM communication climate, character building.
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