A Multi-Agent System based on MCDM Approach for Multi-Modal Transportation Problem Resolution
In the past few years, using an advanced transportation information system (ATIS) has become essential for effective urban mobility management. These systems play an important role in the transport sector and aim to manage travelers' movements better. Users of these systems can plan their trips according to their own needs and define their preferences. However, the expression of preferences over itinerary criteria is crucial for the performance of urban mobility and has a considerable effect on the success of transport management. After all, satisfying the traveler and facilitating his travel is the first sign of effective urban mobility management. To resolve such problems, a multi-agent system should use a multi-criteria decision-making methodology (MCDM) method to find the optimal itinerary that meets the user's needs. The article presents the application of the MCDM as a multi-agent system for multimodal transportation. The system should offer an itinerary that meets the user's needs. The user could define an order of preference on the different criteria so the system will know how to calculate his itinerary. The proposed criteria are travel time, cost, number of modes changes, and safety. These criteria will simplify the evaluation of the several solutions proposed by the system in terms of utility and efficiency to meet the user's needs in terms of travel. The system contains six agents: Personnel Travel Agent PTA, Information Agent IA, Directory Selecting Agent DSA, Sorting Agent SA, Calculating Agent CA, Decision-Making Agent DMA. Therefore, The DMA agent is responsible for this process of finding the optimal itinerary.
Keywords: Multi-Agent System, multi-criteria decision making, multimodal transportation, transportation simulation, TOPSIS.
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