A Model for Prevention of Forest and Land Fires Crimes Using a Sustainable Plantation Approach
This research gives a general idea of a model for preventing forest and Land Fires by accelerating sustainable plantation development. This study aims: to analyze the sustainable plantation conception in the law and to find its current weaknesses, to analyze the sustainable plantation certification principles and criteria and its relations with forest and Land Fires, and also to recommend a model for the prevention of forest and Land Fires through the acceleration of sustainable plantation development. This research employed a socio-legal research method, where the law is viewed as a norm and a fact. Research showed that sustainable plantation is a part of sustainable economic development as governed in the Indonesian Constitution. In the sustainable plantation conception, the plantation development should consider the economic, social-cultural, and ecological aspects. There are principles and criteria related to preventing forest and land fires in the sustainable plantation certification scheme. Both land opening and cultivation should be conducted with zero burnings. A model for the prevention of forest and Land Fires may be carried out through the acceleration of independent plantation coaching according to the principles and criteria of sustainable plantations through funding, facility, and training supports. Apart from that, the Social Forestry program needs to be accelerated to access the people around the forest to manage forests.
Keywords: environment, law, crime, forest and land fires, plantation.
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