A New Approach to Detect COVID-19 in X-Ray Images of Indonesians
The coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a current global pandemic. This disease has a high prevalence in Indonesia, with 307,120 positive cases and 11,253 deaths on October 6, 2020. COVID-19 can be detected in various manners, one of which is through chest X-Ray. This present research applies an approach to COVID-19 detection through X-Ray that features preprocessing, augmentation, ELU activation function application, and optimizer use. The results show that the best performance is generated by applying the ReLU activation function at epoch 76 with a testing accuracy of 96.44%, the sensitivity of 97.4%, specificity of 95.95%, and DICE of 95.77%.
Keywords: COVID-19, X-ray, augmentation.
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