Building an Academic Atmosphere in Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (AMELT) Classes by Implementing the Lesson Study Method
This study aims to develop new teaching materials to meet the need for achieving mastery of the basic theories of teaching English to speakers of other languages and for encouraging student-teacher awareness in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes. This five-step study is primarily aimed at developing the teaching materials of the Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (AMELT) subject matter. In developing the teaching materials, approaches, methods, strategies, and English teaching techniques are considered. To achieve this, the lesson study (LS) method is applied at the exploration and model development stages of the study. Sources of data are the focus group’s observations and discussions on the preparation of learning materials and teaching practices. The observations and observer notes are compiled to generate reflective reports about the Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (AMELT) lessons taught by the teaching students in the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Central Java, Indonesia. These findings are demonstrated by applying design-specific instructional goals, engaging in disciplinary commitment, and encouraging professional action and behavior. It shows the pedagogical impact of the study, in which several points of attention have been given to building a good academic atmosphere during the teaching and learning processes.
Keywords: lesson study, academic atmosphere, language teaching, English language.
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