Comparison of Different Classifiers for Drowsiness Detection Based on Facial Expression Recognition
Traffic accidents often occur due to the negligence of sleepy drivers. This study proposed a method to classify the normal expression and drowsiness expression as the first step in a driving safety system. In this study, a driver's facial expression recognition system was designed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a feature extraction method and classifier comparison using K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) methods. PCA worked to reduce the data without eliminating important information in the image, and this process also caused system performance to be faster. The developed facial expression recognition systems can detect facial expressions and classify them into two types using data from the Yawning Detection Dataset (YawDD). They are normal expression and drowsiness expression using K-NN and LDA. The K-NN classification method has the advantage of being more effective and simpler computing with an accuracy rate of 97% from 200 test images using eigenface parameters on PCA and K value, equal to 1 using city block distance by 256 x 256 pixels. This paper proved that LDA has the same performance as the KNN classifier with an accuracy rate of 97 % using Bayes prior in size 128x82 pixels with the advantage that LDA is more compressible than KNN.
Keywords: Eigenface, Facial expression, PCA, K-NN, LDA, Drowsiness detection.
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