Comparison Study of Wind Effects on Transmission Towerunder Typhoon Wind Field and Terrain B Wind Field
Wind tunnel tests on a aeroelastic model of steel angle transmission tower under typhoon wind field and terrain B wind field were carried out, and then the time series of wind velocity for different height of the transmission tower were simulated by Weighted Amplitude Wave Superposition(WAWS) method and the wind-induced responses were calculated with FEM in time domain. The comparisons of wind-induced response and wind vibration factor between typhoon wind field and terrain B wind field were conducted. The results indicate that the wind-induced acceleration responses enlarge significantly with wind velocity increase, the wind-induced acceleration response under typhoon wind field is more intensive than that under terrain B wind field, and the amplification is up to 20%~30% . The highly weighted wind vibration factor with value of 1.59 under terrain B wind field, and the value of 1.85 under typhoon wind field are found , the amplification is up to 16% in total. The results from numerical simulation are in good agreement with that from the wind tunnel tests. Therefore, the design of transmission tower in typhoon-prone areas should take the fluctuating wind load magnification effect into consideration.
Keywords: transmission tower, typhoon wind field, wind-induced response, wind vibration factor, wind tunnel test, Weighted Amplitude Wave Superposition(WAWS)
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