Pull-in Analysis of Size-dependent Micro-plate with Damage
Based on the Kirchhoff plate theory and the modified couple stress theory (MCST),this work focuses on the pull-in phenomena of elastic micro-plates with damage. The dynamic governing equation of the micro-plate was derived and then solved via Galerkin method. The effect of damage variable,length scale parameter,initial gap and fringing filed on pull-in voltage of the micro-plate was discussed in detail. Moreover,the reliability of present model was validated by comparing results obtained in this study and the literatures. Numerical results show that damage effect decreases pull-in voltage while size effect increases it; large initial gap results in large pull-in voltage and fringing field has slight influence on it. This research is helpful and useful in electrostatically actuated microstructures applications and provides a theoretical foundation for designers and engineers.
Keywords: Micro Electro Mechanical System(MEMS), micro-plate, pull-in, size effect, damage effect
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