Fast Calculation for Stiffness Chain of Vehicle-body Structure Based on Parameters of Main Section
The fast calculation of stiffness chain model by directly using the parameters of real main section is the key problem which should be solved in the design of vehicle-body stiffness chain. Taking the control and engineering on the parameters of stiffness chain nodes as the target, this paper evaluated the relationship between the parameters of stiffness chain nodes and the parameters of main section property. Furthermore, the parameterized method of controlling the real shape of the main section was studied by using the polar coordinate method and computing method of complex section properties that considers single variable control theory based on an established and improved computing model for static stiffness chain of vehicle body. It achieves the targets of parameterized calculation for the stiffness chain nodes and the engineering for the parameters in stiffness chain model, which provides a foundation for the investigation on the optimal distribution of static stiffness based on real main section structure and shape. Finally, the proposed method was verified by a numerical example of a light-weight of vehicle body.
Keywords: static stiffness chain of vehicle-body structure, main section, parameterization, stiffness optimum distribution
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