Management Aspects of Food Biodiversity Conservation for Fulfilling School-Based Nutritional Needs and Food Security
This study aimed to identify aspects and relationships between aspects and sub-aspects of Food Biodiversity Conservation (FBC) management to meet the nutritional needs of students in schools. The research findings are new, as there is a lack of literature that can be used to solve current problems regarding the plan to implement free nutritious meals in schools with limited infrastructure, facilities, and budget conditions. The results of this study are expected to help overcome the major problems faced by the Indonesian community and government, and improve student nutrition in Indonesian schools. The results of this study propose a conceptual model of the “triangle and five pillars of food biodiversity conservation management aspects in schools”. This study was exploratory and used mixed methods. The research subjects were teachers, principals, non-teaching work teams, and supervisors in schools that have implemented Food Biodiversity Conservation (FBC) to meet students’ nutritional needs. The samples were sequentially determined and gradually reduced according to the criteria. Questionnaires, observation sheets, and workshops were used. Data validation was performed using triangulating methods, namely, surveys, interviews, workshops, and triangulating sources, including teachers, principals, non-teaching FBC working teams, and school supervisors. MAXQDA-2020 was used for the data analysis. The results revealed three aspects of FBC in schools: philosophy, policy, and implementation. The dominant sub-aspects were obtained from three aspects: curriculum, principal, work team, innovation, and collaboration.
Keywords: conservation, biodiversity, food, nutrition, school.
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