Influence of Rainfall Infiltration on Landfill Slope Stability

Nurin Nazifa Norafidi, Aizat Mohd Taib, Faris Shazani Suhaizan, Reza Munirwan Pahlevi, Dayang Zulaika Abang Hasbollah, Aniza Ibrahim


In Malaysia, slope failure is often caused by intense and prolonged rainfall. Commonly, the groundwater table in the affected areas has increased, and the ground faces erosion and runoff. Some Malaysian terrains are steep and hilly, increasing the risk of landslides. This scenario can result in significant consequences including loss of life, property damage, and environmental degradation. This study investigates the effect of rainfall infiltration on landfill slope stability using the finite element method (FEM) of Plaxis2D modeling. The study adopted the Mohr-Coulomb parameters and analyzed two main conditions: with and without rainfall infiltration. The behavior of landfill slope stability is determined by the generated pore water pressure. The highest pore-water pressure was 260.84 kPa at the slope toe. In addition, the safety factors were calculated for slope angles of 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5, yielding values of 2.237, 2.553, and 2.907, respectively. The slope of 1:5 represents the highest safety factor. The results show that rainfall infiltration dramatically reduces the safety factor, underlining the destabilizing effect on landfill slopes. Furthermore, the varying slope height, which is believed to be a crucial factor, was also studied. At steeper slope ratios, the slope is prone to failure. These findings provide an important understanding of the long-term stability of landfill slopes that are generally located in areas with heavy rainfall. This discussion provides valuable information for developing better risk assessment and mitigation strategies.


Keywords: landfill, slope stability, rainfall, safety factor.

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