Distribution of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Ternate Island Waters Influencing the Productivity of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)

Umar Tangke, Ahmad Talilb, Syahnul S. Titaheluw, Ruslan Laisouw, Muh. Askar Laitupa, Djabaluddin Namsa, Hamdan Bakari, Srifani Jainudin, Martina Suasa, M. Faisal Sigui


Temporal determination of fishing areas can be predicted by utilizing remote sensing and GIS technology, which is both new and growing, one of which is by analyzing the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentrations in time series. Based on this, this research was carried out from May to August 2024 in Ternate Island waters with the aim of examining the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration and its influence and relationship with the catch of yellowfin tuna, which is the leading commodity in the export sector of capture fisheries in Ternate City. This study was conducted using an experimental fishing method with data collected in the form of fish catch data and satellite images of chlorophyll-a concentration distribution based on catch position plots. The data analysis began with GIS analysis to extract and map the temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration in the study area followed by analysis of catch composition. Furthermore, statistical analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between chlorophyll-a concentration and the number of yellowfin tuna caught. The results showed that the value of chlorophyll-a concentration in Ternate Island waters fluctuated from May to August 2023, with a minimum value of 0.21-0.56 mg m-3 maximum 0.33 mg m-3 and an average of 0.34 mg m3. Furthermore, the results of the regression analysis showed that chlorophyll-a concentration significantly influenced the catch of yellowfin tuna with the value of Fcount. = 82.834 and Sig. = 0.00, with the coefficient of determination (R2) being 0.58, and the results of GAM analysis finding that the relationship between the two variables is very very real (P < 0.0001), which is reinforced by the results of correlation analysis with an r value of 0.762, which indicates that the correlation between the two variables is strong and positive, with a cross-correlation value indicating the presence and increased production of yellowfin tuna in Ternate Island waters significantly is on trip 13.


Keywords: Yellowfin tuna (YFT), chlorophyll-a, general additive model (GAM), geographic information system (GIS), Ternate Island.



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