Development of Digital Tools to Improve Mathematical Argumentation Skills
This study aims to develop a digital tool to enhance mathematical argumentation skills. This study employs a Research and Development (R&D) approach. The development of this digital tool follows the ADDIE model, which consists of stages of analysis, design, development, testing, and evaluation. The subjects of the study were 120 second-semester students from the Mathematics Education Study Program at a university in Indonesia. The object of this study is a digital tool for argumentation. The research instruments included validation sheets, questionnaires for feedback from lecturers and students and tests. The research findings indicated that the digital tool for mathematical argumentation is valid, practical, and effective in improving students’ mathematical argumentation skills. The creation of this digital tool is based on the integration of the Toulmin schema components and indicators of mathematical argumentation skills. This digital tool can be a good alternative to effectively address students’ limitations in constructing, understanding, and presenting mathematical arguments. The novelty of this study is the development of a valid, practical, and effective digital device for mathematical argumentation to enhance students’ mathematical argumentation skills.
Keywords: digital tools, mathematical argumentation, proof
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