Research Competencies and Formative Research in Higher Education
The purpose of this article is to establish the importance and interaction between the concepts of Investigative Competence and Formative Research in Higher Education Institutions (HEI); for this purpose, a documentary review is carried out that addresses the complexity that underlies competency-based training, specifying various positions that guide the insertion of the same in higher education. Subsequently, we delve into the notions and conceptual bases of competencies to contrast them with research training in HEIs and to specify the role of the teacher in the development of research competence. The scientific novelty consists of the systematization of the concept of investigative competence, in its origins and development, which allows us to propose a construct whose relevance to the current historical moment is centered on an integral humanistic perspective that entails the transformation of the social context where socio-educational knowledge is generated, produced, and applied from a social pedagogical vision. To do so, the concept of competency is discussed from its initial application in the world. The role of formative research that students receive as part of their learning process of research competencies is highlighted in that some challenges that HEIs have to assume in the face of the demands of contemporary society emerge, where the research profile of graduates requires mastery of various skills, abilities, knowledge, and multifaceted techniques that must be accounted for in their professional performance. Aspects of interest in teacher-student interaction and the knowledge and practices involved in research didactics are described, and an outline is offered highlighting this knowledge as a perspective, where context, school, and research practice are oriented towards the understanding of formative research as a route for the formation of professionals whose graduate profile allows a complete and contextualized professional performance.
Keywords: competence, research, higher education, professional training
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