Comparison of the Main Evidence-Based Learning Strategies in Basic Education in Mexico
In the context of primary education in Mexico, it is essential to consider evidence-based learning strategies to improve student outcomes. Evidence-based learning techniques have focused on the application of rigorous scientific methods to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of various educational strategies. These techniques allow educators and teaching professionals to determine which methods and approaches are most effective in improving student learning. This study tests the methods of Adaptive Learning, Game-Based Learning, Collaborative Learning, and Online Learning. Qualitative research was carried out, and grounded theory was applied as a method with the purpose of analyzing the impact of these methods on the teaching-learning process in the four case studies that belong to primary basic education institutions in Mexico. Pedagogical activities based on digital games were created, and effective teaching practices, evidence-based teaching, and classroom management strategies were implemented. Finally, they built strong relationships with students, which contributed to positive learning outcomes. This research is novel due to the degree of participation of students, teachers, and administrators that resulted in verifying the importance of the implementation of new teaching methods that arouse the interest of students, thus generating significant learning.
Keywords: learning techniques, evidence-based learning, adaptive learning, game-based learning, collaborative
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