Effects of Fertilization and Planting Distance on Growth Parameters of Musa AAB Simmonds
In Colombia, technology has been developed for plantain cultivation management; however, knowledge regarding the response of this species to various agronomic practices remains limited. This study aimed to assess the impact of fertilization and planting distance on seven growth variables of the Dominico-Hartón plantain (Musa AAB Simmonds). Our hypothesis suggests a differential response to fertilization based on the planting distance. The study was conducted using 1200 corm cuttings planted at La Bella Nubia farm, La Bella village, Calarcá Quindío, Colombia. A randomized complete block design with five replications and two treatments was employed: 1) nutrients at four levels: compost (CO), agrochemicals (AG), necromass (NE), and control (T), and 2) two planting distances: 1.7 m (D1) and 2.5 m (D2). Every 60 days, five plants were sampled to quantify the leaf area and dry weight of the root, pseudostem, and leaf growth parameters. Plantain plant growth was influenced by both the fertilization type and planting distance. Plants fertilized with agrochemicals and compost exhibited positive responses in relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, and stem weight ratio when planted closely but showed negative effects on specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf weight ratio, and root weight ratio at greater distances. Conversely, plants treated with necromass and control plants showed opposite trends. We concluded that nutrient availability favors growth when plants are closely spaced; however, under low nutrient availability, separate planting is beneficial for growth. At the same time, it can be concluded that it is necessary to add balanced mixtures of chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers to guarantee the adequate development of the Dominico-Hartón plants.
Keywords: growth parameters; biomass distribution; nutrition; planting distance; Musa AAB Simmonds
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