Comparative Study of Using DASK System versus Trephine Bur SLA in Lateral Sinus Lifting Window Approach with Simultaneous Implant Placement

Assem Mohammed Ibrahem Saif, Hossam El-Dein Mohammed Ali, Ahmed Omar Ahmed


We introduce a comparative study of two surgical kits for the lateral approach of maxillary sinus lifting using a conventional Dentium Advanced Sinus Kit (DASK) system versus a Sinus Lateral Approach (SLA) trephine bur. This study aims to clinically and radiographically evaluate and compare the effectiveness of using a conventional DASK system versus an SLA trephine bur in the lateral window approach of sinus lifting with simultaneous implant placement. The clinical study was conducted in 2023 on twenty patients indicated for open sinus lifting procedures. Patients were divided into two groups: the conventional group was treated using DASK trephine bur group was treated using the Sinus Lateral Kit (SLK). Radiographic Assessment included measurements of changes in bone heights and bone gains formed buccally and palatally around the implant on cross-sectional cuts of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), incidence of membrane perforation, and duration of surgery. Data were collected and statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 23 for Windows 10. The SLA trephine group showed a lower perforation rate and reduced surgical time than the conventional group, with statistical significance difference. A statistically non-significant difference was observed in implant stability and bone density between the two groups. Conclusion: The use of trephine drills in the SLA system allows better access to the lateral approach and minimizes the risk of sinus membrane perforation and operative time during osteotomy compared with conventional DASK drills.


Keywords: Dentium Advanced Sinus Kit; conventional Dentium Advanced Sinus Kit system; sinus lateral approach; sinus lateral approach trephine bur; Schneiderian membrane perforation; lateral sinus lifting


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