Implementation of Leadership in Empowering Human Resource Management in Production House Companies

Arifin Idrus, Mariana Tenreng, Yana Fajriah, Slamet Riyanto, Agus Suyanto


Implementation of leadership in empowering employees at production house companies as a creative industry operates in the fields of television, film, advertising, and company profile production. This research aims to describe production house leadership management and implementation to empower human resources to meet company needs and customer demands. The research method used descriptive qualitative data collection techniques to obtain information through in-depth interviews with respondents, observation through observing phenomena that occur at the research location, and documentation studies through archives, official meeting notes, and other documents. The study concludes that there are work demands or production deadlines, such as employee working hours and production demands, technological developments, and other factors. In implementing leadership in the management of a production house in producing house through empowering Human Resources, well-implemented policies such as providing protection, strengthening, enabling and supporting, and paying attention to the maintenance dimension.


Keywords: leadership; empowerment; human resource management; companies


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