The Impact of Cognitive Load on Learning Achievement and Semester Level in Mathematics Education Students

Baiduri, Iis Holisin, Siti Inganah, Wiwin Sri Hidayati


This study examined the impact of cognitive load on learning achievement and academic progression in mathematics education students, focusing on a novel investigation into how different types of cognitive load interact with student performance. This study analyzed data from 158 mathematics education students at three private universities using a survey method combined with a quantitative approach. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and one-way ANOVA were used to investigate the relationships between intrinsic, extrinsic, and germane cognitive load, students’ academic achievement, and semester level. The findings revealed significant descriptive differences in the mean levels across the three types of cognitive load. However, the correlation analysis revealed a statistically insignificant positive relationship between cognitive load and math learning achievement, indicating that differences in cognitive load had no significant impact on students’ learning outcomes in mathematics courses. Furthermore, the ANOVA results showed that semester level had no significant effect on the cognitive load of students. These findings add to the ongoing discussion on cognitive load theory, emphasizing the importance of instructional strategies that balance and optimize cognitive load in mathematics education. This study is unique in that it investigates how various types of cognitive loads —intrinsic, extrinsic, and germane—affect students’ academic performance and progression in mathematics education.


Keywords: cognitive load; learning achievement; semester level


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