Mathematical Communication of Vocational Students with Field Dependent and Independent Cognitive Styles in Solving Linear Programming Problems

Dasa Ismaimuza, Rita Lefrida, Silvana, Baiduri


This study aimed to investigate and compare the mathematical communication skills of vocational students with field-independent and field-dependent cognitive styles when solving linear programming problems. The goal was to investigate how these cognitive styles affect the effectiveness of mathematical communication, which includes understanding, planning, and expressing solutions. Data were obtained qualitatively from two vocational students: one with a field-independent cognitive style and the other with a field-dependent cognitive style. The data were analyzed using interactive analysis, which included codification, presentation, and conclusion. The findings revealed that students with a field-independent cognitive style had better mathematical communication skills than their field-dependent counterparts, particularly in understanding and planning solutions to linear programming problems. This study also discovered that both cognitive styles can effectively use different forms of mathematical communication, such as mathematical expressions, depictions, and text writing, particularly when answering questions. This study is unique in that it focuses on the role of cognitive styles in mathematical communication within the context of vocational education, thus providing insights into how educators can design more inclusive mathematics learning experiences that cater to different cognitive styles.


Keywords: mathematical communication; vocational students; field independent; field dependent; problem solving; linear programming


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