Strategies for Utilizing the Latest Technology of Intelligence Drones for Defense and Security in Indonesia

Joseph Ananta Pinora, Rachma Fitriati, Muhamad Syauqillah


The primary subject of this research is the role of drones and anti-drone means in the ongoing development of Indonesia’s national defense and security. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify the roles of drones and anti-drone means, and assess their potential in future special operations prosecuted by intelligence and security institutions. In addition to acquiring the necessary knowledge about electronics and aerodynamics, researchers must also master observations, interviews, discussions, and document study techniques. After data procurement is concluded, the data are analyzed and validated with information and news facts from open sources. There are two significant roles of drones in operations in the intended locations, namely surveillance and assault roles, in which these two roles are performed by drones with cutting-edge technology to fulfill the operations’ goals of attaining real-time military innovations.


Keywords: drone, anti-drone, intelligence, technology, defense, security.

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