Enhancing Higher-Order Thinking Skills through Case-Project-Based Learning in Algorithms and Data Structures Courses
This research highlights the importance of developing higher-order thinking skills in the context of education in Indonesia, particularly to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. Issues in algorithm and data structure learning at higher education institutions, such as using conventional learning models and the lack of practical experience, create a gap between theory and practice that negatively impacts students’ ability to solve complex problems. To address this issue, this study aims to develop a new learning model called case project-based learning using the Borg and Gall development method simplified by Puslitjaknov. Data were collected using a questionnaire to assess the validity and practicality of the case-project-based learning model. Validation results by experts demonstrated that this model is highly valid from the various aspects tested, where the average V-Aiken validation model book, syntax, and guidebook obtained an average of 0.86, and the teaching materials aspect obtained an average V-Aiken of 0.87. The practicality test of the case-project-based learning model applied in algorithm and data structure learning involving lecturers and students provides a clear overview of the effectiveness and practicality of using this model. This model is suitable for implementation in higher education to bridge the gap between theory and practice, prepare students to face real-world challenges and enhance students’ motivation and problem-solving skills.
Keywords: algorithms and data structures, case-project-based learning, development, practicality, validation.
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