AI, Floristics and Soft Skills: Can ChatGPT Present a New Model of Floristics Lesson Based on Improving Students’ Soft Skills?

Mariya Barkaoui, Farid Mansouri


The use of artificial intelligence has a profound impact on many fields, including education and research. This study was conducted at the higher education and training Oujda to explore the effectiveness of artificial intelligence/ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool and its ability to create a new model of Floristics lessons with a focus on enhancing students’ soft skills. The following soft skills were targeted: communication, public speaking, teamwork, creativity, critical thinking, time management, and self-management. The results show that the collaboration between students and ChatGPT was a valuable resource for accessing diverse perspectives, fostering creativity, and improving students’ analysis skills and critical thinking. Despite the challenges faced by ChatGPT, including ethical concerns and data biases, AI could be a pedagogical tool, educators must align AI with learning objectives, making balance between AI and human interaction to reinvent the way of teaching. 


Keywords: ChatGPT, education, soft skills, biology lesson, pedagogical tool.

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