Electrical Characteristics of Half-Cut Bifacial PERC Monocrystalline Photovoltaic Modules under Outdoor Conditions in Nawabshah

Muhammad Moosa Jakhrani, Abdul Sattar Saand, Abdul Qayoom Jakhrani, Abdul Rehman Jatoi, Kishan Chand Mukwana


Photovoltaic modules are typically rated and tested in laboratories under standard test conditions. Such conditions cannot be maintained outdoors due to the random nature of environmental conditions and operating parameters, such as the topography of the target location, slope, orientation, elevation, albedo, and available technologies. The impact of the backside of bifacial modules on electricity generation remains uncertain due to their ability to generate power from both the front and back surfaces. This study aims to experimentally analyze and predict the electrical characteristics of half-cut bifacial PERC monocrystalline photovoltaic (PV) modules under outdoor conditions in Nawabshah. In this connection, an experimental system was mounted over a departmental building for data recording and analysis. The global solar radiation (Grad) of the study site was measured using a light meter (HD-2302), and the ambient temperature (Ta), wind speed (Ws), and relative humidity (Rh) were measured using a digital anemometer PROVA AVM-05. The electrical characteristics of both the front and back sides of the modules were documented using PROVA-1101. These data were collected consistently from 09:00 to 16:00, at hourly intervals, over a period of five months spanning from February to June 2023. In addition, different existing models were used to predict the electrical characteristics of bifacial PV modules based on recorded data. During the analysis period, it was observed that the front side of the modules generated approximately 91% of the output power, while the backside accounted for 9%. The Evan–Florschuetz model equation was found to be more suitable for predicting bifacial module efficiency because it gives less error based on measured data.


Keywords: ambient temperature, half-cut bifacial photovoltaic module, humidity, statistical analysis, solar radiation, wind speed.



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